Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November (Google Docs)

I've shared a document with you called "November ":

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November 13 intro to physics lab

Note: You'll need to sign into Google with this email address. To use a different email address, just reply to this message and ask me to invite your other one.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Monday, October 1, 2007

Hypothesis and Picture for Egg Drop

Hypothesis: we believe that the hard coating will protect  from the impact and the foam will cradle the egg so it will not brake.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lab 1


Lab 2 answers Back and Forth Motion

Part 1

    2)The acceleration was constant because the space between each interval is relevant.

    3)The velocity was at zero at every time it was turning back .

    4) The acceleration was not at zero.

    5) The pendulum bob was in the middle of the swing .

Part 2

    8) The acceleration was constant because it slowly increased.


    10) No the velocity was at zero when it declined.

    11) The acceleration was at zero when it was at top.

Part 3

    14) The acceleration was the greatest during the landing.

    15) The acceleration was constant when he was airborne.

    16) Yes, the velocity was at zero after the landing .
    17) The acceleration was not at zero

Pictures for lab 2